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The Sinner Circle: The key to perfect cleaning and its follow-up in Progiclean

Cleaning is an essential part of everyday life in businesses and public places. To achieve optimum results and ensure a clean, healthy environment, it is essential to understand the fundamental principles of cleaning. One of these principles, widely recognized in the field, is the "Sinner Circle".

In this article, we'll explore what the Sinner Circle is all about. How it can be used to structure the basis for perfect cleaning. And above all, how your Progiclean software can support you in following these principles.

What is the Sinner Circle?

The Sinner Circle is a concept developed by Herbert Sinner. He was a German chemist in the 1950s. It is a key element in understanding cleaning processes. Particularly when it comes to detergents and cleaning chemicals.
The Sinner Circle is made up of four interdependent factors. Each of which has an impact on cleaning efficiency.
These factors are :

1- Mechanical: Mechanical force, i.e. the physical effort or friction applied during cleaning. This plays a crucial role in removing dirt and stains. Using the right scrubbing technique is essential for optimum results.
2- Chemistry: Choosing the right cleaning chemicals is important. Different types of dirt and surfaces require specific chemicals for effective removal. Product pH, degreasing power, wetting power, etc., are all factors to be taken into account.
3- Time: Time is a key factor. The longer you leave a cleaning product to work, the more likely it is to dissolve dirt. However, it's important to respect recommended contact times to avoid damaging surfaces.
4- Temperature: Temperature plays an important role in cleaning efficiency. In general, higher temperatures speed up the cleaning process. However, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's recommendations to avoid damage.

Structuring the basis for perfect cleaning

Now that we understand the components of the Sinner Circle, let's look at how to use them to structure the basis for a perfect clean:

Surface analysis: Before you start cleaning, examine the surface to be cleaned. Identify the type of dirt or stain you need to remove. This will help you choose the right cleaning chemicals.
Choice of Chemicals: Based on the surface analysis, select cleaning chemicals with the right pH and properties to effectively treat the dirt.
Cleaning Method: Use the correct cleaning technique, applying the mechanical force necessary to remove the dirt without damaging the surface.
Time and Temperature : Respect the recommended contact times for cleaning chemicals and adjust temperature if necessary.
Rinsing and drying: Be sure to rinse the surface thoroughly to remove any chemical residues, then dry it properly.

By following the Sinner Circle and taking these steps into account, you can structure the basis for perfect cleaning. This will guarantee optimum results and lasting cleanliness.

In conclusion, the Sinner Circle is a valuable tool. Anyone looking to improve their approach to cleaning. By understanding mechanical, chemical, temporal and thermal factors, you can optimize your cleaning efforts. You'll achieve outstanding results.

By incorporating the Sinner Circle into your cleaning routine, you'll be able to maintain a clean and healthy environment more effectively.
Don't forget that respect for the environment is also essential in cleaning. Make sure you choose environmentally-friendly products whenever possible.

TACT is a mnemonic for the perfect cleaning defined by Sinner

The TACT principle

The acronym "TACT" is an excellent mnemonic for remembering the main elements of the Sinner Circle. These contribute to perfect cleaning. Each letter in the acronym represents an essential factor in the cleaning process:

  • T for Time: The letter "T" is a reminder of the importance of time in cleaning. It refers to the contact time between the cleaning product and the surface to be cleaned. Time allows the chemical to dissolve the dirt. This is crucial for optimum results.
  • A for Mechanical Action: The "A" emphasizes mechanical action. In other words, the physical effort you need to apply when cleaning. Adequate mechanical action, such as scrubbing, is necessary to remove dirt.
  • C for Chemistry : The letter "C" stands for chemistry. This refers to the choice of appropriate cleaning chemicals depending on the type of dirt to be treated. The right chemical is essential for effective cleaning.
  • T for Temperature : Finally, the second letter "T" underlines the importance of temperature. The temperature of the water or cleaning product can influence the speed at which dirt is removed. It is therefore essential to follow the temperature recommendations for each situation.

By using the acronym "TACT," it becomes easier to remember the key elements of Sinner's Circle for perfect cleaning. You can apply these principles to a variety of cleaning situations, whether at home, at work or elsewhere, to ensure optimal results and a clean, healthy environment.

How to compensate for the absence of one or more TACT factors

In the absence of one or more of the Sinner Circle's "TACT" factors, it is essential to take compensatory measures to maintain cleaning efficiency.

Here's how you can compensate, depending on the situation:

  • Time: If you're short of time, try to increase the efficiency of your mechanical action (scrubbing) to compensate. Use appropriate tools such as brushes, cloths or motorized cleaning equipment to maximize the effectiveness of mechanical action.
  • Mechanical action: If you can't apply enough mechanical action, you may need to let the chemicals work longer. So be sure to respect the recommended contact times to allow the cleaning product to dissolve the dirt even in the absence of intense mechanical action.
  • Chemistry: If you don't have access to suitable cleaning chemicals, use more powerful mechanical methods. For example, steam cleaning or intense mechanical action can compensate for the lack of chemicals. You can also try natural cleaning solutions. Such as vinegar and baking soda, which are often effective for certain cleaning tasks.
  • Temperature: If you can't control temperature, concentrate on other factors. Make sure you use the time, mechanical action and chemicals available to achieve the best possible result, even at room temperature.

It's important to note that compensation will depend on the specific situation. Sometimes, it may be difficult to fully compensate for the absence of a "TACT" factor. But by understanding the importance of these elements, you'll be better prepared to adjust your approach according to the constraints and resources available. In all cases, the main objective is to achieve effective cleaning while preserving surface safety and minimizing potential damage.

Supported by a business ERP like Progiclean

Web-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software for service monitoring and planning can play a crucial role. It helps to ensure and optimize the Sinner Circle concept in the field of cleaning management. Here's how you can use such software to optimize cleaning processes based on Sinner's Circle principles:


How Progiclean ensures and optimizes the implementation of the Sinner circle

1 - Scheduling and Time Management (T): ERP software can be used to plan and manage cleaning schedules according to the needs of each space or building. It can automate the creation of cleaning schedules, take account of peaks in activity, and thus adjust schedules according to available resources.

2- Mechanical Action Optimization (A): The software can track the cleaning tasks assigned to each employee or team. This ensures that resources are used efficiently. It can also provide guidance on appropriate cleaning methods to maximize mechanical action.

3- Chemicals and inventory management (C): ERP can manage cleaning chemical inventories. In fact, by alerting when replenishments are required. It can also recommend the right chemicals for the surfaces and types of dirt to be treated.

4- Temperature monitoring (T): For cleaning processes that depend on water or air temperature. The software can monitor and control temperature parameters through the specifications it transmits to the cleaning agents. This ensures optimum conditions for efficient cleaning.

5- Reporting and Analysis (full TACT): ERP can generate detailed reports on cleaning performance based on the Sinner Circle. This makes it possible to monitor process efficiency, identify areas for improvement, and adjust methods accordingly.

6- Automation (full TACT): Automation is a key element in optimizing the Sinner Circle. ERP software can automate certain cleaning tasks. This frees up time for more complex tasks.

7- Training and guidelines (full TACT): The software can serve as a knowledge platform for cleaning staff. Providing guidelines on the correct application of Sinner's Circle principles.

Successful optimization thanks to Progiclean

ERP software for performance monitoring and planning can integrate all aspects of the Sinner Circle. It ensures that resources, products and cleaning methods are optimally coordinated. This ensures efficient cleaning, keeps environments clean and healthy, and optimizes operating costs by minimizing waste.