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Customer Cleaning Service Testimonial BOSTON SERVICES

Testimonial Boston services

Interview with BRUNO GIGONDAN.

Today, how have you benefited from the SILAE PROGICLEAN couple?

I'm Bruno Gigondan from the Boston Services group. We're based in Gardanne, in the Bouches-du-Rhône region near Aix. We produce around 180 payslips a month, and we've been working with Progiclean for just over two years. So today, Progiclean enables us to manage the whole process, from the prospect's customer side to the customer and the whole operational, payroll side...
It goes from hiring to day-to-day management, right down to planning.

For the record, we use progiclean, mobiclean, so that's the interface with the employee, and qualimobi for quality control.

The benefits of progiclean SILAE are that we keep our schedules up to date on a daily basis, the operations managers do, and then at the end of the month, Claire, who's our HR manager, retrieves the data, couples it with SILAE and all this is done very quickly. So we save a lot of time.

For the record, it used to take us between two and three days. Today, in half a day we do all the e-mails.