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Progiclean revolutionises workforce management in the cleaning sector

Overcoming staff shortages in cleaning companies

Since the end of the health crisis, the activity of cleaning companies has returned to growth with a turnover of more than 18 billion euros, according to "Le Monde de la Propreté". However, overcoming the staffing shortage in the sector is becoming problematic and requires innovative solutions to ensure smooth and efficient operations. We'll tell you how to overcome the staff shortage in the cleaning industry.

How Progiclean is revolutionizing workforce management in the cleaning industry

SENEF understands these challenges and has integrated them into Progiclean, the management solution dedicated to cleaning companies. It ranges from planning to task optimization. In this article, we'll explain how features can revolutionize your approach to workforce management and help overcome staffing shortages.

Current recruitment challenges in the cleaning sector

"The Great Resignation" is the phenomenon experienced by cleaning companies. Indeed, according to 2022 figures, cleaning companies are missing 53,000 permanent contracts, not to mention the hundred thousand fixed-term contracts. The main cause: working conditions.

The rise in fuel prices over the past few years has led some employees to feel that it is no longer profitable to go to work. Their days, cut in two, required two trips back and forth a day. These figures underscore the urgency of finding effective solutions to attract, train and retain qualified employees.

How cleaning companies are coping with these challenges

  •       Anticipating needs: As soon as possible, needs assessment becomes systematic.
  •       Training Programs: Cleaning companies invest in advanced training programs with national education and training organizations. To improve the skills of their existing staff. The aim is to make the sector more attractive to new talent.
  •       Improved working conditions: Companies in the sector are revamping their working conditions, offering flexible hours, attractive benefits and career advancement opportunities to retain their staff.
  •       Local Educational Partnerships: Partnerships with local educational institutions are established to create internship programs and encourage young people to consider a career in cleanliness.

Progiclean's key role in team management

  1. Better communication for better working conditions: mobile solutions to be informed in real time in the field. An employee portal to have a space for communication and storage of all your social information
  2. Planning: Progiclean facilitates the planning of staffing needs by optimizing not only schedules, but also the distribution of skills. This helps balance workloads efficiently, reducing staff gaps and ensuring consistent performance.
  3. Performance Tracking & Recognition: Through detailed dashboards, Progiclean allows for an in-depth evaluation of individual and team performance.
  4. Time Management: Management software allows the company to get rid of time-consuming tasks and operations. It generates all documents automatically and follows the process, from generating employment contracts to tracking clocks and absences, helping you optimize your time to listen to your employees.
  5. Better monitoring of operations: By keeping track of all your operations and activities, you can keep track of customer requests, complaints, and thus better satisfy them. Using it helps you make the right decisions and improve your company's business efficiency to grow your revenue.
  6. Valuable savings: Progiclean's interface allows you to track clocks and control the management of the activity for your inspectors.  But also to control the quality simply with our mobile apps. Thanks to the interfaces, you can communicate directly with your employees.

Progiclean is developing new features to optimize your recruitment: The Candidate Portal

The Candidate Portal: Accessibility for All

To facilitate the recruitment of new candidates within cleaning companies, Progiclean has developed a "Candidate Portal". This is a form dedicated to recruitment. Directly linked to Progiclean and accessible via app or tablet. Each company has the possibility to set up this portal and thus access the information necessary for recruitment. But to offer an optimized recruitment flow. This portal is fully customizable. It is possible to attach the details of future candidates such as: marital status, documents required for hiring, details of past experience, diplomas etc. All this information is centralized in one space. By using this portal, the company can easily access this database. This allows them to save time during future recruitments by sending the link directly to potential candidates.

In Conclusion

Workforce management in the cleaning industry is more than just job optimization. Our solution, Progiclean, offers end-to-end management that goes above and beyond, transforming the way you approach staffing shortages. Optimize your workforce, improve employee satisfaction, and ensure the continued success of your cleaning business with our dedicated management solution.

Take action today to transform your workforce management with Progiclean. Find out how our web and mobile solutions can meet your specific needs. Whether it's planning, performance monitoring, predictive management and training.

Contact us for a personalized demo.